Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Sire is Needed!

Yes, we need a sire for our the upcoming planned litter.  If you know anyone, or have one yourself, please email me at, or call 863-673-1688.  I will need to see pictures of the dog, and will contact you about arrangements.  We are trying to have a litter ready by May.  Please let us know if anyone is interested.

Here are some pictures of Maggie pointing.  She really is coming around, and has also turned out to be a very good house dog as well.  The one thing I could use some help on, is finding a dog door.  I've never messed with these things, if anyone has any tips, or knows a good one to buy, use the contact information above and get in touch with me!

Happy Holidays!!!!

Muse Pointers

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