Monday, June 18, 2012

Just a Reminder

Wanted to remind the Muse Pointer owners and potential Muse Pointer owners of a few things.  First, the first Muse Pointer Litter will turn one-year old on Tuesday July 31st.  Please send us a photo of your pup, as I will be doing a one-year update on the litter.  Attach a story about how your pointer is doing, and anything else you would like to share.  Once I get all the photos and information, I will post the update.

To the potential Muse Pointer owners out there, I need a sire!  I had been trying to find one for about six months, and have not been able to find a decent registered sire.  If you have one, or know of one, please contact me at so I can contact the owner.  We have missed one cycle already and I would like to hit the second cycle which should be towards December of this year if possible.  Please let us know if you have a sire or can find us one!  Thanks!

Muse Pointers